Espaços de trabalho
Olá amigos!!
Boa semana.
Tenho recebido algumas mensagens a parabenizar por escolher assuntos que as pessoas procuram. Um deles os espaços de trabalho que tanta gente cada vez mais tem em suas casas.
Sintam-se inspirados .
I have been receiving some messages, congratulating me for the items I choose and that people are interested in.
Inspire yourselves.
Huge spaces, or minimal spaces and even compact. space in cabinets.
Anything goes when we want to work from home and or want to save and not have another place away from home where we would have to pay rent etc., and to have even a small workplace at home.
The fact that working from home is not the same when you have a large family, or children and other members who share spaces, and the fact that, for example we might just be two, a couple.
In the latter case it serves anywhere because there are no children to disturb and touch in our papers and items.
If there is a family involved, the case is quite different. And we should be careful and have a space solely for that purpose and closed. So that the work is possible and all runs on wheels.
Sintam-se inspirados. Todas as imagens, aparte as creditadas na própria imagem, via e Picasa web photos
Feel yourself inspired. All pictures, apart from the ones credited, via and Picasa web photos.
Boa semana.
Tenho recebido algumas mensagens a parabenizar por escolher assuntos que as pessoas procuram. Um deles os espaços de trabalho que tanta gente cada vez mais tem em suas casas.
Sintam-se inspirados .
I have been receiving some messages, congratulating me for the items I choose and that people are interested in.
Inspire yourselves.
Espaços enormes, espaços mínimos e mesmo espaços dentro de armários, bem compactos.
Tudo vale quando queremos trabalhar a partir de casa e ou queremos poupar e não ter um outro lugar fora de casa onde teríamos de pagar renda etc. e o ter-se mesmo um pequeno local de trabalho em casa.
O facto de se trabalhar a partir de casa, não é igual quando se tem família numerosa, ou filhos e outros membros que partilham espaços, e o facto de por exemplo ser apenas um casal.
Neste último caso qualquer lugar serve, porque não há crianças a atrapalhar e mexer.
Já havendo família envolvida, o caso é bem diferente. Devemos mesmo ter cuidado e ter um espaço exclusivamente para esse efeito e fechado.
Anything goes when we want to work from home and or want to save and not have another place away from home where we would have to pay rent etc., and to have even a small workplace at home.
The fact that working from home is not the same when you have a large family, or children and other members who share spaces, and the fact that, for example we might just be two, a couple.
In the latter case it serves anywhere because there are no children to disturb and touch in our papers and items.
If there is a family involved, the case is quite different. And we should be careful and have a space solely for that purpose and closed. So that the work is possible and all runs on wheels.
Feel yourself inspired. All pictures, apart from the ones credited, via and Picasa web photos.